My name is Eugeny. I am a developer of the scenery of the airport Domodedovo, Moscow, Russia for X-Plane. First of all, I want to thank you for interest to my project! I hope and will be glad, if my work makes you flights more realistic and interesting.
To download a scene, please, use this links (4 parts x 15 Mb per part):
This version for people flying in VATSIM / IVAO network, with check OFF "runways follow terrain contours", and prefer airports without static crafts:
This version for people flying with check ON "runways follow terrain contours", and prefer airports with many static crafts:
Attention that THIS FILEs and this copy of a scene it is intended only for you. Please, do not publish this reference, do not publish this file and do not transfer a copy of this file to other users! It is important! If it necessary - you can place a link to a site uuddxpscenery.ucoz.ru
For correct work of the scenery it is necessary to update the navigating data. The simple instruction how to install the scenery and how to make automatic update the navigating data with X-NavAIDs-Tools.exe (it is included in your package) you can read on a site at "HOW TO INSTALL" Page. Please, email me if you need any help or support.
And dont forget, please, that installation of OpenSceneryX is absolutely necessary for correct work of the scenery and RuScenery (Russian library like OpenScenery) is absolutely necessary too. Use Download links to load and install this packages.
RuScenery (Just put it in the Custom Scenery folder, like an OpenScenery):
Well, thats all now..
... But, one more important thing: UUDD Scenery can be downloaded and used without payment for using for any nonprofessional&payfree purposes! If you plan to use this scenery for any payware/donateware or in any professional purposes, you should obtain my permit!
Thanks! Have fun in the sky of Russia.
Best regards,